Interview like a Politician: My Interview Prep Checklist
Y’all know how much I love checklists (I even have a part one and TWO about how great they are for sales professionals) so it should come as no surprise that I have a pre-interview checklist routine. Of course I do. Since we’ve already established how VITAL prepping for an interview is to your success, today I’ll take you through my TEN-POINT CHECKLIST to get you prepared for any interview room. I break my prep into two sections: Who am I? and Who are they?
Who am I?
Resume Review
Before any interview I double check my resume. Is it up to date? Are there any embarrassing typos I missed? Does it have my most recent position, sales data, and important figures included? I always take a couple paper copies with me to any interview as well. You never know who will ask!
Personal Profiles
After I review my resume, I do the same review to all my online profiles. Linked In and anywhere else my resume is online -- make sure it’s the most current option. Consistency is key and if a hiring manager decides to google you, you’d better look reliable, consistent and professional online.
Business Plan Review
I review my personal business plan and goals. If I haven’t interviewed in a couple of years, likely these have evolved and updated since I last thought about them. Where do I want to be in five years? In ten years? When I retire?
Anticipate Questions
Think back to your last interview -- what did they ask you? A good place to start is always by reviewing where you’ve been. Brainstorm questions they might ask about your resume, past experience, and ability to perform well in this job. But don’t just think of what they might ask, practice answering as well!
Who are they?
Company Profiles
Make sure you know who’s in charge at the company where you’re interviewing. Look up their online profiles. Have you worked in any of the same places? For some competitors? Did you go to the same school or graduate program? Are you from the same state or city? Find ways to link yourself to them and know a bit about who’s interviewing you as well as who their bosses are.
Culture and Hiring Practices
How does it work here? See if you can find someone you know at the company, or a friend of a friend you can take to coffee to get a little deeper knowledge of the company culture and hiring practices. If not, do a little online snooping. Do they usually hire from within or outside the company? Is the daily culture more modern (do they have a ping pong table for afternoon breaks?) or traditional (should you wear a tie to the interview?) All of this will come in handy and help you feel more prepared.
Market Research
Know how the company presents and markets themselves to the public. Know their executive vision and company mission statement. Where was this company five years ago? Where do you imagine they’d like to be five years from now?
Competitive Research
Who’s the company’s main competition? How do they do things differently? Know why the company you’re interviewing for does the things they do compared to their competition. What are the competing strategies that exist in this marketplace?
Recent News
Thank goodness for Google. A quick news search of the company will tell you what’s going on in their lives TODAY. Are they in a tough spot or a PR battle? Knowing their problem spots as well as their strengths can help you craft a story about where you fit in to solve their problems. Simple, and important.
Business Case Studies/Technical Case Studies
What does recent research say about the company’s strategies and policies? What are some new best practices in the field? Knowledge of cutting edge research, practices, and new strategies can help you understand (and BECOME) who the company is looking to hire.
I can just hear you saying, “Keril, that’s great and all, but I’m still really overwhelmed -- that seems like a lot! I’m going to need a little more practical advice for how to actually use these great tips and tricks.” Well friend, you’re in luck. Next week I’ll do a little throwback to high school finals week and remind us of the study techniques we thought (or maybe hoped) we’d left behind forever. Don’t worry, you’re not back in school -- the reward for acing the interview is way better than a 100%, it’s a lucrative career and the life of your dreams!
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Phewph. You did it. You’ve just walked out the door and are sitting in your car back in the parking lot doing a little happy dance to your favorite song.