It's time to wrap up our Q2 blog series on productivity! These past three months have FLOWN by. Summer is in full swing and I'm feeling more productive than ever. I'm less stressed and taking better care of myself physically and mentally. AND I'm still hitting those numbers and closing deals like wildfire. Woohoo!
Read MoreWhy Sales Professionals MUST Use This Tool
I'm constantly surprised by how many sales professionals insist on reinventing the wheel. It’s either through a stubborn sense of independence (I speak for myself here) or not understanding how much is out there for the taking.
Read MoreIt’s after midnight and I’m not preparing for next week’s meeting. I’ll have time later for that. Instead, I’m watching the first episode of Ozark. 12 and a half minutes into the show, sh!t gets crazy. Spoiler alert (still watch the show! I’m not going to give that much away) -- This guy shoots Marty’s partner in the head. Then, he tells Marty he’s got 48 hours to get $8 million.
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