Posts tagged CV
Your LinkedIn Profile: Like Your Resume, But better

We’ve talked about the resume, a living document that needs regular updating and a discerning eye. It’s a big enough challenge to get the most out of that one paltry page you’re allowed to send in to be considered for a position. And yet, your stellar resume is merely a first step, a cry for attention to get yourself noticed out of the pile of applicants, a link of the chain of events that will secure you a job.

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A Living Resume: 3 Essentials

A little while ago, I was approached, out of the blue, for an interview with a company I’ve long admired. Flattered and interested, I accepted. Then, was promptly instructed to send over my resume. Uh oh. When had I last looked at that thing? Did I have time to update it before sending? Was it even relevant anymore? Yikes. I learned some important lessons during the process that will definitely keep me from panicking next time this happens.

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Creating a Compelling (and Kick-Ass) Digital Presence

So, you meet someone at a happy hour, you’re killing it at small talk, making a real connection (great job networking by the way), talking about your job and what you do. Maybe you mention how you’re looking to make a change soon because you’re ready to move on from your current position.

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