Three Ways to Flesh Out Your Avatar (One’s Probably Illegal!)
Goal: Close more deals. Scruples: Not many.
I’m with you. I’ve been there. I’m still there y’all. Hungry for more. I’m always looking for ways to close more deals, help more clients, and make that commission check fatter. It’s my job and my passion.
Today, we’ll discuss three ways to flesh out your avatar that translate information from facts to usable data that you can level up with.
Oh, and the illegal thing? Don’t worry. It’s only illegal if you don’t ask first. (Our pal Nixon learned this lesson the hard way...but we’ll come to that.)
It’s All About Questions
In 2009, I began sales training for a new job at Cisco. We went through a lot of group exercises and interviews, one of which stuck with me: A question we used repeatedly was, “What keeps you up at night?”
As a sales professional, questions are your lifeblood. We ask questions to get to know our clients. Their struggles. Their challenges. Their passions. What’s important to them? What keeps them up at night?
As time went on, I began to study marketing and advertising, tying in techniques I learned from gurus like Frank Kerns and David Ogilvy to strengthen my sales game.
I realized it made sense to ask less basic questions. I could get the basic answers from Linked In. And we’re not in a 30-minute meeting to become friends, we’re there to solve a problem. I switched gears from a rudimentary detective asking basic questions to more of a therapist, reaching for deeper problems and issues.
I found myself saying things like, “Let’s zoom in on what’s important to you and spend our time there.” It didn’t take long for me to realize that it’s much easier to close deals with this approach.
Collecting data and using it effectively closes deals more quickly and easily, without a doubt. exactly can you collect that data and use it effectively?
As I always say, none of this is set in stone. It’s merely a method I’ve developed over the years and adjusted in ways to make it work for me. I anticipate you’ll do the same.
Before my first meeting with a new client, I do initial pre-meeting research and fill out my avatar template.
Don’t have an avatar template?
Don’t worry, we’ve got one all ready for you! Sign up Below!
Then, the real work begins. It’s time to collect data and turn that into information that will help craft the perfect offer.
Step 1: Collect Data from Calls
The best way to collect data is to record everything. This way you don’t have to anxiously remember everything that happens. I find myself distracted if I’m worrying about remembering everything.
So the first thing I do after initial hellos and greetings, is ask if I can record the call. I’ll usually say something like, “My colleague so and so couldn’t be here today. Could I record the call for him to listen back to later?” Most everyone says yes. And BOOM. You’ve struck GOLD.
Now you can relax, knowing that everything that happens in the meeting will be available for you to go back to later.
Step 2: Running Notes
Knowing that everything will be recorded, you’re freed up to take notes on what really matters, instead of trying to write down everything. I call these “dirty notes”. They’re not something you share or send out via email after the meeting ends. They’re for you. Notes help keep you focused during a meeting and zeroed in on what’s important to the client.
Step 3: Translate
Afterwards, you’ll take time to translate all the glorious data you’ve collected into actionable next steps and, eventually, crafting the perfect offer for this client.
Stay organized during this process by setting aside specific time to do this. Listen back to the recording of the meeting for anything you may have missed. Transcribe your “dirty notes” into your Avatar Template (sign up below to download!) so all the client information is stored together.
This three-step method should be repeated for each client meeting. Every follow-up. Every phone call. By being meticulous during the process, you ensure that the client doesn’t have to repeat themselves, because you’re fully absorbing all the information they’re sharing with you. This saves time and helps build a strong relationship quickly, because the client feels listened to and like you’re really trying to help, instead of earning a quick buck.
But these tips are no good unless you…
Ok, here's your “homework” for this post.
Pick a company you’d like to do business with.
Using the research methods from our previous post and the Living Avatars Template, pick 5 people in the organization and learn all you can about them!
Now, use that info to book a meeting! Get in front of them and see how a little research goes a long way.
Looking for email templates or other practical guidance to help you bring this advice to life? We’ve got more resources available all the time. Join the email list and get access to This Sales Life’s FREE COURSE “Best Sales Rep Ever” to close more deals ASAP.
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Sales | Sales Professional | Sales Skills | Sales Hacks | Avatar | Close Deals | Research | Organization | Sales Habits